Technology and Live Performance
I recently finished a fascinating book called Capturing Sound—How Technology has Changed Music by Mark Katz, who is a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In a very thoughtful monograph, Katz traces the cultural effects of … [Continue reading]
September Prelude
in North Carolina this week. What a great bunch of colleagues! … [Continue reading]
The loop
It seems that no matter what, the oboists are always a bit out of the loop. That's why we tend to organize things, so we know what's going on. Or?[woocommerce_cart] … [Continue reading]
Z-machine excitement
Grandkids were over, the grass was long, I was getting out the Toro. One of the kids said "can I try it" and with some trepidation off we went. Each kid brought his or her own personality to the task. Kevin ran after it, Kat was determined to … [Continue reading]